Our CSR strategy
Within the Lactalis Group, CSR is an essential component of our management. We encourage local initiatives, in step with our operations and partners. Our way of working ensures that it meets expectations in the Group’s countries. The Lactalis Group’s CSR policy is consistent with the United Nations Global Compact and its principles on the respect of human rights and international labour standards, action against corruption and environmental protection.
A CSR policy jointly developed with our stakeholders
Change can only be made collectively. CSR demands dialogue and transparency with our stakeholders. In 2020, our partners identified a list of 33 issues, indicating those where Lactalis’s actions and commitments should have the greatest impact. The results were presented to the Group’s Board and the conclusion was clear: our top priorities are the climate and reducing our carbon footprint, the circular economy and responsible packaging, and animal welfare.
Delivering CSR governance in close cooperation with the field
We decided to prioritize certain issues, without forgetting the others. Working groups and international multidisciplinary committees were formed. All 33 CSR priorities were allocated to one of them. Together, we develop our vision, and standard reporting methods, and propose commitments and timescales for the Group. The proposals are approved by a decision-making committee, then the Board and finally the Chairman. Throughout the process, the proposals are discussed within an international network of CSR representatives comprising some fifty in-house experts from all technical spheres. At Lactalis, CSR is everyone’s business: delivering our company mission responsibly.